Monday, December 17, 2007

On-track for Now.

Success!!! I am happy to report that I was able to review Con-Law for 2 days, complete 25 MBE questions and review at least 20 pages of the Adachi book. I was also able to start Torts. I must admit that I did falter just a bit because I was supposed to be done with 50 mbe's for Conlaw and just got to tired to even focus. Oh well, i will not beat myself for this I will just continue to push forward.

I am so happy because I was able to score 72% on my first set of MBE's after not looking at the stuff for 5-6 months. I know that this is not a huge accomplishment but it helps me to think that I have a chance. Torts is my next challenge, so I need to finish dinner and get started.


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